Most businesses have a web-site and so it's important to know that your web-site is working properly. After all, if there is a problem with your site's potential visitors won't be able to find it and so can't become customers and your business will suffer. The problem is that it's difficult to know if your site is working properly just by typing it's url into a browser. It may come as a surprise to many but you might be able to see your site but it may be invisible to others in other countries. Reasons for this can be varied and it's quite a technical issue. However, you don't need to be a geek to know how your site is working, just the right tools. The good news is that there are lots of them available, for free.
My current favourite is where you can check to see if you site is available around the world. It's a handy way of checking if your site is available form seers around the world. Not only that, it will tell you have quickly your site loads, important when Google ranks sites partly on the speed at which they load.
The basic service is free and you can check your site numerous times manually. They also offer a fee service that includes the following:
The basic service is free and you can check your site numerous times manually. They also offer a fee service that includes the following:
• After 90 days: Checking every 24 hours
• Email notifications 
• Fully upgradeable to any of the paid plans
1. Link to InternetSupervision from your website [get code]
2. Respond to one brief web-related survey per year.
2. Respond to one brief web-related survey per year.
Paid packages range from $2.95 per month to $24.50 per month, so there is something for everyone, whether you have one site or several.
There are plenty of other free services too on the web so you could always do a Google search for "web-site monitoring" or "network tools". Whichever tool(s) you use, it's important to check your site on a regular basis. Arguably, if your business depends on your site then you should sign up for an automatic service that will email you or send you an so you can sort out any problems quickly.
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