19 Jan 2010

In depth articles on running your own business

We all like something that's free. However, there is the well-known saying that nothing of value comes free, or as we say 'up north'... you get nowt for nowt! Well, generally that's true but in this 'information age' in which we live, I would argue it is possible to get something that's free but nevertheless has real value. That 'something' is information and where else to go for such information than the internet.

Now we all know that the internet is full of dross, of useless and inaccurate information but there is still a ton of good stuff out there if you know where to look. One place to look is on blogs by respected writers, usually but not always, associated with respected journals and other publications. Examples would be the BBC and Guardian web-sites, tech sites such as CNET, PC PRO, Mac User and MacWorld and even Wikipedia.

Another source of good, free information would be sites like BT. Now BT is a company and although it exists to make money for its shareholders, it retains some of its public service heritage when it was owned by the UK taxpayer. Also, it strives to be an ethical company and, lets face it, even altruism has its business benefits.

Well, BT has some excellent resources for the would-be entrpreneur and if you head over to http://www.insight.bt.com/ you will find topics such as:

 Quite a range, I am sure you will admit, and there are plenty more. So head over there now and help yourself to some useful but free information... you know it makes good business sense!
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